Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi talks about Frontotemporal Dementia Diagnosed and What are its Effects?

Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi talks about Frontotemporal Dementia Diagnosed and What are its Effects

Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi is a well known Dementia Care Specialist who helps people by providing best care home services in United Kingdom. Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi is a recognized name in United Kingdom and is known as Prabhi Sohi, Praby Sodhi and Prabhy Sodhi.

Prabhi Sodhi shares if one is diagnosed with Dementia what are its effects

Dementia can be of several types. One such type is called frontotemporal dementia. In this condition, the damage is received in the brain. But the conditions further produced by this can vary. It does not affect a particular part of the brain. Rather, its different parts can receive effects. The Former director of Abbey Healthcare, Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi, says that these effects can generate changes in the behavior of a patient. Over time, these changes can take a toll on his/her body mentally and physically. Therefore, it is essential to opt for the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia so that extreme conditions can be prevented.

Diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia

While a person suspects the development of frontotemporal dementia or Pick’s disease, he or she should understand how the diagnosis is conducted. The former director of the healthcare body says that no one test may be particularly defined for this diagnosis. Also, conducting any 1 test may not be sufficient in arriving at any final words. Therefore, a series of tests should be done.

  1. Neuropsychological Tests

A neuropsychological test can be successful in determining the type of condition when dementia has been diagnosed, says Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi . Thus, whether or not a person has developed the frontotemporal type can be assured with such a test.

  1. Blood Tests

Changes in the bloodstream can happen when frontotemporal dementia occurs. For this reason, it is vital to conduct blood tests. In addition, any possible pathology in this fluid can be found.

  1. Scanning the Brain

Essentially, the brain is the part that receives the most effect from this condition. Hence, scanning it becomes important. Mr. Prabhi Sodhi, says that MRI is one important technique included in this process. FDG-PET can also be utilized for accurate results.

The dementia specialist Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi, regards certain other things to be important when diagnosing frontotemporal dementia. Aside from tests, looking at a person and his/her family’s medical history is suggested. Any patterns observed in the same can be of help. Certain specialists also recommend checking the sleep cycle for any unusual occurrences.

Frontotemporal Dementia and the Effects it Produces

The major effect of frontotemporal dementia is on the behavior of a patient. A lack in controlling emotions can be observed. This is because this type of dementia affects the frontal lobes. They are available at the brain’s front. They are also responsible for behavior control. Thus, when they get damaged, emotional difficulties can occur.

Mr. Prabhi Sodhi finds frontotemporal dementia to result in other effects too. These can include the following:

  1. Development of Obsession

It may sound strange but a patient with this medical condition can become obsessed with new things. Mainly, she or he may pick up phrases and obsessively use them. Compulsions in the behavior may be observed as well.

  1. Losing Interesting in Existing Things or People

Frontotemporal dementia can produce such an effect on the brain that a patient may not find the existing things interesting. These things or people are the ones already familiar to the patient, says Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi. In addition, activities that were once liked by the patient may no longer interest him/her.

  1. A Decline in Social Skills

In the observation of Mr. Prabhi Sodhi, patients with this medical condition may find it difficult to connect. Their social skills may decline. Consequently, they may not respond well, especially to others’ emotions.

Apart from the above-listed effects, frontotemporal dementia can produce changes in diet. Patients may shift to unhealthy eating. They may pick up activities that can be potentially dangerous for their health, considering the condition. Furthermore, when they are not cared for, such a diet or habits can come in the way of treatment.

In Essence of the Above

Frontotemporal dementia can be called a serious condition. Diagnosing it on time is important. On failing to do so, the behavior of a person can considerably change and worsen. By looking at the effects produced by this type of dementia, this behavior may not synchronize with his/her treatment. Ultimately, the treatment may not remain effective in controlling the symptoms. Therefore, giving them both care and treatment becomes important.

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