Some Frequently Asked Questions about Table Runners

Table runners are an effective way of decorating your dining space and other table areas in your home, without covering them up. According to interior design and décor experts at Forbes, in recent times, social media has dramatically transformed and elevated home décor or event design from overall décor to food presentation and tablescapes, giving more importance to aesthetic appeal than ever before. There is no point in buying an expensive oak wood or teak wood table if you intend to cover it to protect it against the heat and potential scratches from serving bowls.

You may admit that exquisite serving bowls are best for adding style and elegance to your overall dining experience. However, you are skeptical of placing them directly on your exotic oak table. It is best to use exclusive table runners, not only to safeguard the service area on your expensive table, but also, to make the entire dining experience a memorable one. Table runners are the best way of infusing a dash of your personality and lifestyle into your table décor and overall dining space ambiance. Table runners are available in multiple lengths, designs, and fabrics. Choose the one that best suits your overall home décor theme, your personality, lifestyle, and unique preferences. Here are expert answers to some frequently asked questions about table runners.

How can we decorate using table runners?

Table runners should be regarded as an essential table accessory. A table runner adds elegance to your tables just the way scarves add a touch of style to your outfits. A versatile runner is best for highlighting a centerpiece, adding texture & color, or creating a dramatic effect. You may use it to add a new dimension to your interior décor, right from the entryway to the dining space.

What are table runners?

Centuries ago, table runners were introduced to safeguard tables and tablecloths, manage accidental spills, and prevent unsightly scratches or damage from serving bowls. Even today runners provide the same reliability and practicality but with an elevated decorative touch.

What should be an ideal runner size? 

The standard runner size would be somewhere between 10 and 14 inches broad. Choose a runner for your table with a width almost one-third your table’s width. It should be used for covering your table’s middle third. The standard runner length would be between 38 and 108 inches. The precise length of a runner to opt for depends primarily on how long your table is and how you wish to place the runner on it. You may decide how much you need a runner to hang off your table at the two ends. Your runner may hang at the ends from 12 inches to as little as just a couple of inches.

How to use table runners?

You may strategically place the runner across the center of your table. You may place it as an added layer on top of your tablecloth or directly on the table. A short runner when placed strategically at the center of a table can highlight your centerpiece. Long draping runners for your table add a dramatic flair. Runners may be used to decorate buffet tables, sideboards, living room side tables, foyer tables, or your fireplace mantel.

How to choose the right material?

Runners are available in a broad spectrum of fabrics. Use cotton runners for casual or daily use. For creating a more traditional ambiance, use lacy runners. You may choose luxurious materials like silk or velvet to create a plush and upscale ambiance.


Choose a runner for your table depending on the occasion, your mood, lifestyle, and personality. Take your home décor to the next level with eye-catching table runners!


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