Five must-have features for custom donut boxes

custom donut boxes

A custom donut boxes is made according to the buyer’s specifications and particular requirements. But you might end up with a sham custom box if you do not know how to design one appropriately. In this article, we share with you some of the must-have features for any custom donut box because without them your packaging would remain incomplete and ineffective.

Why go for custom boxes?

Before we discuss the five essential features of custom donut boxes, let’s first establish the need the importance of customized boxes. Why is it vital for your donuts business to opt for them when you have other options available to you too? We are talking about regular, plain boxes. There are multiple benefits of using custom boxes, and that is a comprehensive topic in itself. For now, we can throw light on their importance from the following two angles;

custom donut boxes
custom donut boxes

From a business point of view: Custom boxes are very suitable for you commercially. They increase the visibility of your brand, make it more recognizable, makes a connection with the buyers, help in creating a positive perception about the product and the company, and promote your brand in the market. All of this contributes to the overall sales and more revenue is generated which in turn increases the company’s profitability.

From an aesthetic point of view: We are all attracted to things that are pleasing to the eyes. Custom boxes make a conscious effort to catch a roving eye. Through the combination of different factors (that we will discuss below) they can hold a buyer’s attention and get his seal of approval. He may or may not buy the donuts but he will appreciate the hard work that went into making them. These boxes at times become iconic developing their separate following. All thanks to custom packing.

Five must-have features for custom donut boxes

We now come to our main topic of highlighting those features without which the custom boxes remain lacking. Let us discuss them one by one as follows;

A custom cut-out on the top of the box:

If your custom donut boxes do not have a window cut-out on the top of the box, then they are deficient in a very vital feature. This window is your opening to new opportunities and new beginnings. A potential buyer will glance at the window and see your scrumptious donuts. He will get so tempted by their look that he will end up buying them. By merely giving him a peek-a-boo experience through the window you are making sales. Such is the importance of this feature.

Now, you don’t have to go for a square or rectangular-shaped window. Go for a custom design that looks different and appealing to the eyes at the same time. And now you know about its business potential so just go for it.

Eye-catching color of the box:

With a custom, a box forgets about an all-brown, or all-white box. You can choose any color and hue of it. Make sure the color gives off cool vibes, is inviting, and is appropriate for a snack like donuts. Colors can uplift the box immensely. You can also opt for a dual-tone or multi-tone box or use the same colors in a combination of light and dark shades. It’s your canvas so color it aptly.

Imagery that is lively and energetic:

Just colors are not enough to invite a buyer’s attention. The box should also boast some stunning imagery. It could be pictures of real people or man-made graphics or images. Some professionals will design the box for you and adorn it with striking designs, patterns, and pictures. If you are creatively inclined, you can do the job by yourself too. Again, it’s your choice but the results should be nothing short of fabulous.

Sleek laminations and coats:

Lamination not only gives an additional layer of protection to the box but also gives it a look that is sharp and classy. You can laminate your box with different types of coatings and finishes. We give some of the popular ones for your reference below;




Spot UV


Semi-matte aqueous




You can use them to highlight texts or pictures used on the box.

Don’t forget about your branding:

A custom box is unimaginable without crucial information displayed on it. This information could be anything that you deem useful for the consumer. But including your brand name, logo, tagline, and company name is essential. Besides them, you can add any other information that you feel is relevant and add value to the box. You can even put a funny donut-related quote, a joke, a punchline, etc. to make the customer happy. It is all a marketing tactic to lure in buyers and increase profitability.

custom donut boxes
custom donut boxes

Production of custom donut boxes:

To produce these boxes, you need to find a factory that is capable enough of making them the way you want and include all these features. There are hundreds of factories in this business but you need to find one that has already produced them or at least can do so. Inquire about it from your near and dear ones and make an informed decision.

Fast Custom Boxes is one such factory that is in the business of producing custom vape cartridge box besides others. It has established a reputation for being a competent producer and supplier of custom donut boxes. You can expect comprehensive customer support along with top-notch quality work. What is even better is that the prices it offers are extremely competitive. It will also share with you the 3D renders of your box to give you a fair idea of the final product. It ships worldwide so you can engage with it no matter where you are and the delivery period is also very short. Do consider them.


That sums up our topic of five of the most fundamental features of custom donut boxes. We have highlighted them and also shed light on the reasons behind their importance. We hope now you understand why you want them for your donuts business and give them their due importance.

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