The Five Benefits of Online Tuition during the Pandemic 

Online Education

Some students do not have a school nearby they live. Some would like to go for extra lessons but was tight up with tied after-school activities. Sound familiar?

In Malaysia, online tuition education (also called distance learning) class has become a popular way to balance up with such a busy schedule. From 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, online tuition became very popular amongst parents and students. This applies to those learning the SPM syllabus or the IGCSE syllabus. TWINS Education’s IGCSE online tuition became the number one choice of all parents, some even decide to stop their children from going to international school due to the high cost. But why has online tuition has grown so much so fast? According to TWINS Education’s website, here are the five benefits of online classes during this pandemic. 

Benefit 1: Live interaction

During the online classes, students can use their mic to respond and ask questions. Students can be immediate feedback and this can also benefit other students who are in the same class (assuming it is a group class). This will allow other students to learn from it and may ask further questions to further understand the topic better. 

Benefit 2: Private Learning Environment (No Social Pressure)

During the online class, students are mostly in their own room learning without and disturbance from any friends. Unlike physical classes, online tuition provides a private space for students to learn. In some cases, students may also be able to eat during class which is not possible during the physical classes. 

Benefit 3: Save on Travelling Time

It helps busy parents who are unable to send their children for additional classes, especially during the working days. This is worsened by the traffic congestion around Kuala Lumpur. With online classes, students can have their classes at the comfort of their home without the need to go thru traffic congestion and may also be possibly late for classes. 

Benefit 4: Lessons Can Be Recorded

Ever heard of a situation where “the teacher may be speaking too fast”, or “I wish to attend the previous lessons because I was absent?” Online lessons can be recorded, which enable students to be able to revisit the lessons once again for revision purposes. This can be done from the video conferencing platform itself or we may need some additional software or extension to help do the recording. 

Benefit 5: Peace of Mind for Parents 

This will give peace of mind to most parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. By having online tuition at home, it ensures the health and safety of the children. In fact, this helps ensure the health and safety of everyone living in the same house. Parents can also monitor their children during class and may observe how the classes are conducted. They can, at the other end give feedback or suggestion to their tuition centre on the area to improve.


The list above is not exhaustive. The benefits of having online tuition far outweighs the cost and should be considered seriously in the coming years. Online lessons can be a time saver and also cost-effective to most households to enable them to attain proper education. 

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