Twitter Widget Tools for Weebly That Worth A Try

Twitter Widget

Do you have a Weebly website, and are looking for ways to make it stand out from the crowd? Then you have arrived at the right place. In this blog, we will be sharing a simple hack to make your Weebly website more appealing and engaging.

Do you know that Twitter’s user count is expected to grow by more than 300 million in 2022?

Twitter, a microblogging and social networking site, is one of the most influential tools when it comes to marketing. Brands like Chiptole and Burger King, have created enough buzz around their products using Twitter. 

To extract more benefits from the platform and leverage this opportunity, you can embed Twitter Widget on the Weebly website. Twitter widget on your website makes your website stand out from the crowd without having to do much. 

In this blog, we are going to explore the top three trending Twitter Widget Tools for Weebly’s website. 

3 Top Rated Tools That Enables You To Embed Twitter Widget On Weebly Website

1. Tagembed 


Tagembed is a powerful social media aggregator tool that lets the users collect, curate, and embed all social media feeds on a website or blog.  It’s a great tool that you can use to embed Twitter feed on your website. It lets you collect all your Twitter hashtags, mentions, and handles and display them on your website as a widget. 

Highlighted features

Customization – It helps to create visually appealing and engaging widgets including aspects such as layouts, colors, and fonts. 

Moderation – You can also use the moderation panel to scrutinize the tweets that do not align with your brand reputation.

Custom CTA – It ensures your visitors are paying heed to your words rather than just scrolling over. 

Coding-Free – The users don’t need to hire any developer to get things done. With Tagembed, the users don’t need to worry about things like coding and API. It is an easy-to-use tool that needs no coding and lets you handle your business single-handedly. 

Compatibility – Tagembed supports all major CMS platforms. Allows you to collect content from 20+ social media platforms. 


2. Sociable Kit 


The Sociable kit is another amazing tool that allows you to display Twitter widgets on your website. Using this tool, you can collect Twitter feeds and hashtags. When it comes to embedding a Twitter widget to your website, Sociable Kit gives you three different options. You can pick between iFrame, JavaScript, and a link. 

Highlighted Features : 

Coding – Free – Just like Tagembed, while using the Sociable kit, you don’t need to worry about coding. 

Multiple layouts – You can use multiple layouts and themes as per your preference. You can also sync any specific content from Twitter to your web platforms. 

Customization – provides you with a wide range of options to personalize your widget as per your need.


3. Everwall  


Everwall is an incredible tool that helps you leverage every tweet that you or your users create and delivers you a deeper audience insight.  This allows you to mix up your branded content with user-generated content. With the help of Everwall, you can smoothly add the Twitter widget to your website and seamlessly display tweets to your visitors.

Highlighted Features: 

Back up – While using this tool, even if you lose internet connection, it will automatically back up. 

Profanity Filter – Just like the tools mentioned above, even this tool easily filters out profanity, keywords, and phrases. You can also scrutinize tweets before they go live on the website. 


How Twitter Widget On Weebly Can Be A Game Changer 

  • Bringing engagement to the website: Embedding a Twitter widget on your website helps you to engage your visitor for a longer amount of time, as the visitors don’t have to leave the webpage to explore your Twitter account. 
  • Improves your website’s presentation: Having a customized Twitter widget helps you create the desired appearance of your website according to your buyer persona. This allows you to connect with your visitors on a personal level. 
  • Encourages visitors to follow you: Having a Twitter Widget validates your online presence and at the same time, it displays the best of Twitter, thus encouraging your visitors to follow you.  It also eliminates the risk of your customers getting duped by scammers. It also introduces your visitors to your Twitter presence. With the help of the Twitter widget, your website visitors get a sneak into your Twitter handle and as they have the option to follow you there, it might help you strengthen your Twitter presence.
  • Reduces bounce rate: A Twitter widget provides an overall better and more absorbing user experience, which helps in reducing the bounce rate of the website. A reduced bounce rate indicates that the content of the page is relevant and does not confuse your visitors. 


These are three of the most trusted social media aggregator tools that will help you embed Twitter widgets on Weebly websites that are available in the market. If you’re still underutilizing Twitter widgets, you are missing out on a lot. 

So, wait no further. And try out these tools and flaunt your brand right away. 

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